The healthiest carb salad

If you feel for a potato salad this recipe swaps the starchy potatoes for this healthy cauliflower. It contains the healthiest cruciferous veggie is rich on other valuable nutrients. Its easy, quick to prepare and keeps you satiated long after. Can proudly be served to enjoy as a main course dish.


  • One medium size cauliflower
  • Three big cooked eggs
  • Half avocado
  • Parlsey
  • Mayonese and Mustard
  • Oliveoil
  • Salt & pepper
  • Some garlic is optional


Downsize the flowers, bleach 3min in boiled salted water. But aside to cool.
Add on top the cooked and diced eggs
Add on top two tablespoons mayonese with mustard (I love Dijonaise)
Cut an add the parley
Spice with salt & pepper and top with oliveoil
Add on top the avocado dices

By the way, leftovers for the next day will taste even better!


In the meantime be well!

Why Cauliflower?
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Why Eggs?
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Why Mustard?
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Fast but healthy

Make your breakfast a habit. Breakfast is still considered to be the most important meal of the day! Skipping breakfast slows your metabolism and can increase the risk of weight gain. If you are too busy for breakfast then try a smoothie. My ultimate fast food is my smoothie.

Real food for real good mood!

Have a look how I do mine:


    • Grapefruit
    • Celery
    • Coriander
    • Ginger
    • Applecider vinegar
    • A date (optional for the sweet tooth)


Peel and cut the grapefruit, add the rest and blend till smooth as possible. Make sure the color of your shake is green.

–> Enjoy!

In the meantime, be well!

Why Grapefruit?
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Why Applecider Vinegar?
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Why Celery?
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